With Earth Day cited for April 22, now is the high time to start thinking more about Earth, worthy of our deepest respect and love. The season of Earth is a time to honor not just the Earth as the surrogate mother who literally sustains our lives, but also to honor ourselves. Everything that we see around us is composed of the five elements of the Universe.
The five elements – Air, Fire, Water, Wood and Earth, are the building blocks that compose everything in the universe including nature and the human body. We are made up of the same elements as everything else, we are one of the same things; our individual consciousness is the universal consciousness.
Working with these elements in your day to day life can give you a deeper insight into the laws of nature and how the universe works. Wellness of your body, mind and soul depends on a harmonious balance between the five elements, nature and yourself.
This Earth Day take a retreat from the mundane and create a space for your own that will bring you closer to Mother Nature. Earthly Creations has brought to you some ecstatic products and tips that can help you bring in the essence of these elements of Mother Nature to your own individual space.
Miniature gardens are something that you can easily design within your home while you create a space they that represents the five universal elements Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Wood. Now, wood can be brought in by using bonsais to decorate your home. These miniature plants, usually of banyan trees are fully grown so much so that they have those creepers coming down but they are not more than a couple of feet in height.
For the Earth element, almost all Miniature Gardens can bring in the earthy essence to your indoors, like this False Cypress miniature garden shown below.
You can also use a bamboo plant as a centerpiece or a part of your miniature garden because it combines all the five elements of nature. Thorns radiate negative energy towards them. So, cactus no matter how elegant it looks should be reserved for outdoors, try instead low maintenance dwarf shrubs and plants.
Water must fit in somewhere in your miniature garden design. A miniature pool for your miniature garden or even better, running water like a fountain or miniature stream is very soothing due to their soft sounds and they also absorb all the negative energy in your home. Water smoothes over everything and that is why is such an important element that stands for direction and seriousness in life.
These additions will honor Earth Day and our connection to everything around us by bringing in the essence of the five elements in our lives. This is a liberating yet grounding retreat which will leave you feeling calm, and connected to the nature around you and to the nature within.
This Earth Day, make an effort, do your bit; celebrate Nature!