We are all the same but yet a few of us stand out in the crowd of humans. It is their passion that gives them an identity. Gardening linked with pottery gave me an identity which made me stand out.
I have donned all kinds of hats – daughter, sister, wife, mother, corporate trainer, lecturer, painter, healer, and gardener. But it was pottery that became my passion – a long lasting one- it connected innately with me. It made me think beyond myself, understand people better, inspired me to love and protect nature- the flora and fauna.
All my other hats merged seamlessly into pottery.
As a mother
- I created the pots,
- as a trainer, guided, coached and helped the potters,
- as a painter gave life to the creations,
- as a healer used these pots to save the environment and reduced stress levels in every body’s life,
- As a gardener added plants to the pots.
In fact pottery and gardening completed me.
Gardening taught me to accept life as it is- while growing Chrysanthemums from cutting in July to the plant wilting off in January, it gave me an insight into the life cycle, be it of a plant or a human.
Pottery taught me to give back, the cheerful animal and bird shaped pots bring a smile on the faces of people. This is my way of giving back to the society- by contributing a smile, a whiff of innocence in their lives.
Pottery helped me to think and feel beyond me and ways to contribute meaningfully to the environment. Sticking to bio- degradable medium- terracotta, working with real plants, using animal figures as pots, is my contribution to the environment- thereby sensitizing people on these issues.
Pottery made me a woman entrepreneur- one who creates employment and contributes in creating a meaningful sustenance for the all those who worked with me- potters, carpenters, painters, labour, gardeners, fabricators and welders.
Pottery supported me to contribute to the nation’s mission of self reliance- Skilling India, Made in and Made for India.
Reach me at : Hahluwalia138@yahoo.co.in
Cell 981050 2046